[?] Can Ro purifiera be used for Municipal water [March 2025]

Considering buying a water purifier, but confused.

Can RO Purifier be used for Municipal water?

It’s good to raise a question before taking a buying decision.

If it is concerned with your family’s Health. It becomes much more important.

Don’t worry, I will try my best to guide you.

After reading this guide, you would definitely be able to buy a suitable water purifier for Municipal water.

What is the Quality of Municipal Water

See, the City Municipality (Corporation) first sources the water from rivers, ground, ponds, etc.

This water is first completely purified in a well-equipped water treatment plant before supply to your home.

If you are living in a Metropolitan city such as Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, etc.

The Quality of water supplied by the Municipality is very good with TDS below 250.

If you are living in a small town or city.

Check two things

First, check the TDS level of your Municipal Water.

Taste the water if it is salty or not.

Read Here:- Best TDS meter for water for Home

Which water purifier is best for Municipal Water

Below are the statistics you must consider before buying a water purifier for your Municipal (Corporation) water.

Water PurifierTDS Level (Municipal Water)
UV + UF Water Purifierless than 250
Neno Filter Water Purifier250 to 600
RO Water Purifier with TDS Controller> 600 less than 1200

Best Water Purifier for Municipal water with Less than 250 TDS

If the TDS level is below 250. Just buy a UV + UF Water Purifier

The UV UF water purifier is also known as a Non-RO water purifier or just UV water purifier too.

The UV+UF water purifiers are those that do not use Reverse Osmosis Technology in the purification Process.

If Municipal water TDS is below 250 PPM. It is fit to drink.

The Municipal RO water treatment has already removed all heavy & harmful elements from it.

Thus no need to use the RO water purifier again at home.

If you use it, it will remove all essential elements out of it and water will get dead.

Why a UV+UF water purifier is Best for Municipal water below TDS 250

However, all heavy and harmful metals and impurities have been removed by Municipal RO water treatment Plant.

But, this water is directly drinkable till it is in the storage of Jal Board.

The water covers a long distance in underground water pipes before it reaches to your kitchen tap.

During this journey, the water gets polluted with dust, human waste, and pathogens (viruses and bacteria).

Thus it needs further purification but only a UV + UF water purifier is enough for it.

Best UV+UF water Purifier for Municipal water with TDS Below 250

Below is the list of the best UV+UF water purifier you can purchase

Aquagurad Delight NXT (UV+UF) water purifier for Municipal water

BrandEureka Forbes
ModelAquagurad Delight NXT
Capacity6 Litre
Special FeaturesUV e-boiling, Wall Mount & Counter Top
Warranty1 Year Warranty

Kent Ultra Storage Non-Ro (UV+UF) Water Purifier

ModelKent Ultra Storage
Capacity7 Litre
InstallationWall Mount
TechnologyUV + UF
Purification ProcessSediment Filter + Micro Filter + Carbon Filter + UV Filter
Warranty1 Year Warranty + 1 Year Free Service

Havells Fab Non-RO (UV+UF) Water purifier

Capacity7 Litre
InstallationWall Mount
TechnologyUV + UF
Purification ProcessSediment Filter + Micro Filter + Carbon Filter + UV Filter
Warranty1 Year Warranty + 1 Year Free Service

Best Water Purifier for Municipal water with TDS between 250 to 600

See, if TDS of your municipal water is between 250 to 600. The UV + UF water purifiers are not so effective.

For this you Must use Neno Filter Water Purifier.

Such Neno Filter technology better remove the impurity than a Ultra Filter (UF) if TDS is little higher.

Peore Pro Plus 60 NF + UV Water Purifier for Corporation water

ModelPro Plus 60
InstallationWall Mount/Table ToP
TechnologyNF + UV
Purification ProcessSediment Filter + Neno Filter + Carbon Filter + UV Filter
Warranty1 Year Warranty

Anurag Pathak
Anurag Pathak
Articles: 88

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